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THE WORD OF WISDOM IS A GIFT CONNOTING THE application of knowledge that God gives and by no means be substituted by study or experience (1 Corinthians 2 v 6-7). It is seeing life from God’s perspective: the revealing of prophetic future: speaking the truth of what is unknown. What a supernatural empowerment that ascertains the divine means for accomplishing God’s will in given situations! A given power to appropriate spiritual intuition in problem-solving.



Perhaps you have been thinking that your living is of no positive effect to the world or are disillusioned about how things are going and probably losing the grip of your life: do not be dismayed. This book will offer you assistance, lift your spirit, and catapult you onto a pedestal of fulfillment. You will in no doubt praise the Lord for the rest of your life. Indeed, this is a book of our time and that of incoming generations.


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