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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

About Us


Our Mission

To propagate the gospel of Christ by all possible means in accordance with the great commission of Jesus Christ for the deliverance, healing, restoration and growth of man(spirit, soul and body) through the instrumentality of praise, signs and wonders, diverse miracles and sound biblical teachings.
The mandate of God is real and obvious; the calling of God is sure and divinely certain.
Our Vision
To win lost souls and build a church full of the fruits of the spirit via the preaching of the word of God
Our Mandate
Tell my people to depart from sin that I may perfect all that concerns them.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Apostle David Ayeni & Pastor Mrs.Temitope Ayeni


The mandate of God is real and obvious; the calling of God is sure and divinely certain. When the voice of this calling sounded, the mission seemed impossible for a native unschooled homeboy, who was primitive without ministry refinement and at this time was engaged in debased and menial jobs such as welding steel work, goldsmith, conductor, ice cream hawker, truck pusher and street boxer.

These are not ideal qualifications for a corporate assignment like the Lord’s business. The voice was heeded and the birth of the church became a reality first as a humbled fellowship in a mini room at Ikola, a suburb in Lagos State. It moved to a dung hill and later to a small piece of land. The commission then known as “Mountain of Perfection Ministries” metamorphosed to “Perfection Bible Church International” with ministry attachments such as; David Ayeni Word Outreach(DAWOO) the crusade arm of the church,Word Of Power Television Ministry (WOPTM) the mass media outreach of the church and the HELPS MINISTRY; the arm that caters for the needy, the orphans, the elderly,the widows, the abandoned children and scholarships for the less privileged.

Within the space of Thirteen years of existence, PBCI has experienced a miraculous growth both spiritually and numerically. The church is presided over by Pastor David Olalekan Ayeni and assisted by his caring and loving wife Temitope Elizabeth Ayeni and other anointed and vibrant vessels of God. David O Ayeni is an Apostle, a prophet,deliverance minister,an evangelist, a revivalist and word based teacher.

PBCI is a growing church, a place of spirit filled praise and worship,a citadel of spiritual and physical growth via the undiluted word of God, a place of awesome demonstration of God’s power and the Arena of solution. It has both the children church and the vibrant Youth chapel to the glory of God.